About Us

Who are we?

Effective Altruism is about using reason and evidence to do the most good we can with our limited resources. For more information about how we do this, visit Effective Altruism.

In the Rationality Community, we aspire to improve our reasoning, decision-making, and address the biases that prevent us from holding true beliefs and accomplishing our goals. For more information on Rationality, here’s a brief explanation on LessWrong, or dive into some of the posts on Scott Alexander’s Blog

What do we do?

Currently, we meet at least Bi-weekly, and highly recommend the Dinner Socials if you wanna just try PEAR out in a casual, low-key environment. We also have book clubs, article discussions, and the occasional large event. Please feel free to come out, even if, like many of us, you feel awkward about it, feel that you’re not the typical rationalist or effective altruist, or worry that people won’t like you, etc. We would love to have you join us as we strive to grow Portland’s Effective Altruism & Rationality community. 

How will I know when you are doing events?

The Meet-Up calendar has our most up-to-date event schedule along with descriptions and you can RSVP to the events you are interested in. There is also our public calendar, and our mailing list (which you should join!). You can also check out the previous events we’ve hosted, and keep the conversation going on our Discord. If you have any other questions, please message us anytime here or at support@pearcommunity.com.

Let’s come together to attain great heights, grow greater friendships, and do the greatest good. Hope to see you soon!
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